See the latest updates and developments to One-to-One Virtual Shopping.
- The Agent Online Hours Dashboard will allow admins to view the hours agents have been online over the past few days.
- Portal App Download: OTO is now available for download on both Windows and macOS.
Scheduling with Calendly - This features allows you to schedule and manage meetings effortlessly with Calendly(OTO), making it easy for visitors to book and attend
Help center resource -Scheduling with Calendly (OTO)
Widget menu description - Under OTO -> Settings-> configuration you can now customise the widget description
Call Duration Counter - This feature indicates the length of an ongoing call. The timer starts when the agent picks up the call or when they initiate a call to a visitor.
Customizable Offline widget content - Allows users to personalize visibility in offline widgets, addressing the limitations of current solutions for an enhanced offline experience.
Help center resource -OTO Customizable Offline Widget Content
Multi- chat on Mobile App - To enhance connectivity and maximize interaction opportunities, we now support multi-chat functionality, enabling agents to manage multiple conversations concurrently.
Help center resource - Multi-Chat with One to One Virtual Shopping on Mobile App
Shopify Instruction page updated
New call ringtone - when you receive an incoming call from visitors.8/21/24
Visitor Camera Access - Ensure camera access are released when relevantBlock Visitor - Shadow ban visitor to stop unpleasant experience
Customisable waitlist message - You can now set your own message when the visitor enters the waitlist queue
Help center resource - Add One-to-One Customizable Waitlist Message
Work Hours - Admin can configure the availability hours of the 1:1 widget so visitors see when it's available to call
Help center resource - Set One to One Agent Work Hours
Text snippets -
- Agent can use a shortcut phrase to access a templated message, helping address repetitive messages sent via text!
- Type a phrase and the message you want to select will appear.
- Help center resource - How to Configure Text Snippets
Widget Visibility Settings - Within the 1:1 dashboard, admins can set who can view the widget based on location or URL. Allowing more control without the need to adjust the embed script.
Help center resource - Set One to One Widget Visibility
- Auto-Message Trigger - (behind a naboo FF so please request assistance to enable) Upon a new visitor viewing the One to One widget, a automated message template will trigger to engage the user without the need for agents to manually do first outreach.
- Help center resources -Auto - message trigger
- Avatar display in waitlist - coming soon - Display the avatar image for a visitor waiting in the waitlist
- NPS Adjustments - Coming Soon - visual changes to the NPS for visitors to complete at the end
- Admin Panel - View for admins to see agents status for who is active and online
- Setting Page redesign - adjusted options within, we will list this on the release doc
- Missed call label on Inbox - For agents inboxes, they will see an icon whenever they missed an incoming call.
Team Dashboard - Offer real time insight for managers to see when your agents go online and at what time.
Settings Updates - Made adjustments to the options for setting up your One to One widget. See our article here.
Multi-Chat - Allow Agents to start multiple chat threads and keep an active inbox for visitors they've recently engaged with.
Help center resource - Multichat with OTO
Capacity Setting - Underneath Settings, you can set a capacity on the widget, once the waitlist reaches a certain point. You can then choose to show a "agent is occupied message", a scheduling link or hide the widget automatically once the limit is reached.
Live Feed Support in SA App - Agents are able to subscribe to and manage feeds via the mobile app.
Calendly Scheduling - Link your Calendly to the Scheduling option for a shopper to open up into your Calendly booking page.
File upload - Support file uploads from both the Agent and the visitor in a chat! To see more visit the instructions here.
Scheduling - Display an option for a visitor to schedule a future callback (leveraging a link out option). You then can use your callback choice to connect with the visitor however you'd like. This
This can be set up in the Settings page under Integrations.
- Sales Agent Mobile App - Now agents can leverage our mobile app to support chats and calls while on the move! See instructions here on how to do so.
- Live Feeds - Updated design to One-to-One Workspace. Now support list views which can be preconfigured to display specific views by categories such as:
- URL Pattern = specific pdp, search term?
- Device type
- Geo location - IP based
For instructions on how to set up, please see here.
Missed Call Label - Now display a missed call label when a visitor calls and no agent responds. This will display until an agent engages in a conversation with the visitor or the visitor leaves the site.
Block Visitor - On the visitor detail page, you will have the option to block and unblock visitors. When a visitor is blocked, they will be moved to the bottom of the feed and their profile will appear greyed out. Blocked visitors will not trigger any notifications for calls or messages.
Waitlist - When a visitor contacts the agent, they will be put on a waitlist where they will see which line in the queue they are in until connected with an agent. The changes are listed below:
- When a visitor fully clicks open the widget, a message will display in the chat telling them they are in queue:
- If the visitor minimizes the one-to-one widget, then a number will display for their queue
- Once connected to an Agent, a message appears saying “You are connected to agent [name]” and the call or chat will begin!
Agent Icon - When sending out a proactive text message, an image of the Agent will appear next to the message.
To set this up, add your image via the "Profile" in the Business Portal. Instructions can be found here.
Notifications Bar = From the visitor detail view, you now have a way to see incoming texts or calls directly at the top of the page. What will display:
- Single Incoming Text Message = A guest ID and an option to go directly into the chat.
- Single Incoming Call = A guest ID and an option to go directly into the call.
- Multiple Incoming Text Messages or Calls = A view option displays which takes the Agent back to the full Customer list.
**If in an active session, you will be asked to end the session before jumping over to the new visitor.
**If another SA accepts the incoming conversation before you do, then you will see a message appear preventing you from switching over as another Agent has entered the conversation.
- New message preview design =Small, more authentic (we will use the agent’s avatar) and added the “online now” element.
- Online indicator on widget = added a green dot on the widget cover to indicate agents are currently online.
- Clickable Link = URLs that are sent by text in a chat are now clickable by customers.
- Entry Points = Able to configure One-to-One Virtual Shopping anywhere such as, a CTA, an email CTA, a short video, or even an Ad CTA. See link here for more details.
- One-to-One Virtual Shopping Visibility Toggle = The One-to-One Virtual Shopping widget will only trigger to appear when the Sales Agent has indicated they are online by toggling the online status to ON. Toggling OFF, will hide the 1:1 widget.
- Typing Indicator = Sales Agent will see if the other side is currently typing which a “...” will appear as shown below:
- Visual Hints on the Visitor List = An emoji 🐔appears next to Guest Name to to make it easier to scan and find the same person, same as the guest ID, the emojis are the same each time to the same guest.
- Message Wiggle = When the Sales Agent sends a message, the message preview will wiggle after a certain amount of time to catch customers' attention.