SMS/Email Reminder for a Livestream/Showroom

Learn how to set a reminder to effectively send a notice for your audience to attend your showroom event!

This reminder feature combines the RSVP and add-to-calendar options we have today with an additional lead capture functionality. By opting into Remind Me, we will collect user emails which you also benefit from seeing who has saved the event. 

How it works:

  1. After creating a new Livestream or Digital Showroom Event, navigate to the Trailer Overlays section and click on SMS/Email Reminder.SMS reminder
  2. Confirm if you'd like viewers to opt-in for confirmation. If they choose not to, then will not receive additional reminder emails. 
  3. After completing the setup, you will see the Remind Me option displayed wherever you embed the Livestream Event. The viewer then has the option to select a SMS reminder or the email reminder. 
Once entered, a confirmation will display and an initial can be sent email will be sent to the one entered confirming the request for a reminder of the event. email confirmed Remind me HC

What is the Reminder Cadence Flow?

First Reminder ~ Upon submitting the phone number or email , a confirmation email from “ “ will appear. The viewer can then confirm to receive more reminders closer to the event or opt out. 

Second Email ~ 24 hours prior to the showroom event, you will see:

  • Upcoming event with the link to join
  • Add to calendar
  • Unsubscribe link
Third Email ~ 1 hour prior to the showroom event, you will see:
  • Upcoming event with the link to join
  • Add to calendar
  • Unsubscribe link