One-to-One Virtual Shopping Analytics Glossary

Please see our breakdown of the metrics we track and their definitions.


Note: In order to view the below metrics in your One-to-One Workspace, you must ensure our tracking tag is enabled. 

Conversation Metrics

Definition for a Conversation: A conversation which both sides have responded to in text or video format. 

  • Total Conversations = total amount where a video call or text chat occurred that both sides have responded to.
  • Text Conversation = total amount of conversations where a text chat occurred that both sides have responded to.
  • Video Chat Conversation = total amount of conversations where a video call occurred that both sides have responded to.
  • Avg duration (minute) = How long on average a conversation occurred between the first event (call or message) and the last event. 

Conversation breakdown trend:

The total conversations that occurred across the time range compared to the total Video chat conversations that occurred. 

GMV and Purchase Metrics:

  • Conversion rate =  The number of unique visitors purchased/the number of unique visitors in a conversation.
  • Number of Orders = Count of orders from visitors that engaged in a conversation
  • Attributed GMV = Total attributed order value, excluding shipping and taxes but including discounts, which is considered only when a visitor has engaged in a two-way conversation via One-to-One video chat within the attribution window. 
  • AOV =  Average order value excluding shipping, excluding taxes but including discounts.

Request Metrics:

Definition for a request: A text or video request initiated by either visitor or agent.

  • Total Request = Compares total amount of requests initiated by an agent vs a visitor. 
  • Request with Text/Video Chat:
    • Text = Total number of text request initiated by either agent or visitor
    • Unsuccessful request = Conversation is created by either agent or visitor but no text or call is initiated  response was received. 
    • Video chat =  Total number of call request initiated by either agent or visitor.
  • Top URL by Request = URLs with the most requests by either text and/or call. 

Request Acceptance Rate: 

The total acceptance rate from agents entering a conversation initiated from a visitor compared to visitors entering a conversation initiated from an agent. 

  • Acceptance rate = Percentage of agent initiated request turned into conversation (no matter text/call).
  • Call Request and Text  Request Daily Trend = Total number of call and text requests over a single day.
  • Call Request and Text Request by Hour of the day = Total number of call and text requests over a certain hour in the day.

Unanswered Request From Visitor:

The Total number of call/text requests from a visitor that were missed from an agent (therefore not counting as a conversation).

Visitor Metrics:

  • Visitors with Widget Impression = Unique number of visitors that see the  One-to-One widget (as embedded in the website page).
  • Visitors with Clicks = Unique number of visitors that click on the widget (includes chat notification).
  • Widget CTR = Total number of unique visitors that clicked on  One-to-One widget/unique visitors with One-to-One widget impressions.

Widget CTR Trend:

The daily CTR trend on your website. 

NPS Metrics:

  • Avg rating = Average rating of all Net Promoter Surveys (NPS) that were filled in by the visitor no matter if the survey is submitted or closed out.
  • Avg Rating Trend = The average Net Promoter Surveys (NPS) ratings provided per day.
  • NPS Rating Distribution = All time distribution of Net Promoter Survey ratings (NPS) for all agents.
  • NPS Feedback Detail = A detailed view of the Net Promoter Surveys (NPS) per visitor including the date, Sales Agent name that was assigned to the conversation, Rating (1-5 scale) if provided, and written feedback if provided. 

1:1 Team Performance:

Agent Leaderboard:

  • Average Rating = Average rating per Agent from all Net Promoter Surveys (NPS) that were filled in by the visitor no matter if the survey is submitted or closed out.
  • Agent Initiated Request = Overall number of chats or calls initiated per Agent.
  • Agent Initiated Request Acceptance Rate = Percentage of requests that initiated a successful call or chat with a visitor per Agent. 
  • Total Conversation = Total amount where a video call or text chat occurred that both sides have responded to per Agent.
  • Influenced Sales = Total amount of sales from visitors in a conversation.
  • Influenced Order = Total number of orders in a conversation that were purchased.

Performance Trends:

  • Average Rating Trend = Overall trajectory of each Agent’s Average Rating over the selected time
  • Agent Initiated Request Trend = Overall trajectory of each Agent’s Initiated Request over the selected time.
  • Agent Initiated Request Acceptance Rate Trend = Overall trajectory of each Agent’s Initiated Request Acceptance Rate over the selected time.
  • Total Conversation Trend = Overall trajectory of each Agent’s Total Conversations over the selected time.