AVA Analytics Glossary

Please see our breakdown of the metrics we track and their definitions.

Conversation Metrics:

  • Total Conversations: The total number of interactions or discussions between users and a system, platform, or agent within a specified period. Each conversation may consist of multiple messages or exchanges.
  • Visitor Message Breakdown : A detailed breakdown of Visitors message by text and by Audio
  • Activation Rate : users who sent at least 1 message/ user who has an impression of seeing AVA widget, interacted with it or not
  • Add to cart rate : Number of visitor who add at least 1 product to cart/ visitor who have had a conversation with AVA
  • Returning chatter: Visitors that have more than 1 conversation with AVA.
  • Visitors Message : Visitors message breakdown by text and audio
  • Avg Conversation Duration (Second): The average length of time in seconds for each conversation between users and a system, platform, or agent. It indicates the typical duration of engagements or interactions.
  • Conversion Rate : Unique visitors with Purchase/unique visitors with conversations
  • Avg Message per conversation:  The average number of messages sent by visitors during each conversation 
  • Avg CSAT : It represents the average score reflecting customer satisfaction levels.


  • Top Country by Visitor Count with Request: This refers to the country from which the highest number of visitors originated who made requests or inquiries within a specified period. It provides insights into the geographic distribution of user engagement.
  • Top City by Visitor Count with Request: Similar to the top country metric, this indicates the city from which the highest number of visitors originated who made requests or inquiries within a specified period. It offers more granular insights into the geographic locations of engaged users.
  • Mobile vs. Desktop: This metric compares the proportion of visitors accessing the system, platform, or agent via mobile devices versus desktop devices. It helps assess the device preferences of users interacting with the service.
  • Browser : This metric analyzes the distribution of browsers used by visitors who engaged with AVA.

GMV & Conversions: 

  • GMV Overall: Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) Overall refers to the total sales value of goods or services transacted through a platform, marketplace, or system over a specific period, including discounts before tax and shipping. It provides a comprehensive measure of the total revenue generated by the platform.
  • #of Orders: It shows the no of orders and the average order value.
  • Conversion Rate: Conversion Rate represents the percentage of visitors or users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or completing a transaction, out of the total number of visitors or users. It measures the effectiveness of a platform or website in converting visitors into customers.

    Conversation Log with NPS

  • This provides a comprehensive message log that includes details about the business, product, domain, assistant, visitor ID, the device used, and the specifics of the conversation.

In order to see the GMV metrics above, ensure you have our analytics tracking enabled