Process a Refund in Magento

Learn how to issue a refund using Magento

These steps will cover:

1) How to find the Stripe URL under a Magento Order, to issue the refund via your Stripe account.

2)  For offline payments, the last section will showcase how to manually issue a Credit Memo to refund a Magento Order.

Process a Refund for an Online Order with Stripe

  1. From your Magento dashboard, in the navigation menu on the left side of the page, click Sales | Orders.
    • All Orders processed on your website will appear here.gif - magento order refund HC
  2. Next to the order you want to refund, click View in the Action column.
    gif - magento refund view action
  3. Scroll down to the payment details. You’ll see the Firework payment URL and the Stripe payment URL at the bottom of the page. 
  4. Copy the Stripe Payment Details URL and to then paste in your browser to navigate to your Stripe account to process the refund.
  5. In your Stripe dashboard, click Refund at the top right. Verify the refund amount and select a reason for the refund in the drop-down menu. Then, click the Refund button.
    gif - stripe payment
  6. In your timeline, you’ll see “Successfully refunded” payment once completed. 

Note: Refunds take 5-10 days to appear on a customer’s statement.

If you see “Partial refund” in gray next to the refund amount, this is the refunded amount less transaction costs.

Process a Refund in Magento for Offline Payment

  1. Click Credit Memo at the top of the order page.
  2. Click the Refund Offline button at the bottom-right of the page.
gif - offline order magento refund HC


Whatever you type in the Credit Memo Comments box will be emailed to the customer. This is a great place to add the Transaction ID, for example. Select the checkbox next to Append Comments to have additional comments emailed to the customer.