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Leveraging Firework Content in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Learn how to embed links to Firework content in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Prerequisite:  Our Firework Widget needs to be installed before continuing below.

  1. To begin, access the Content Builder within Salesforce Marketing Cloud. From there, create a new email template or edit an existing one.
  2. In editing interface, go to the Block tab. Find the Custom Section option. Look for the Firework Widget within the Custom Section.
    SFMC select firework widget
  3. Insert the widget by dragging and dropping it onto an empty area in the preview screen to create a content block.
  4. Within the Firework Custom Block field, enter in two things:adding video id and url sfmc
    1. Enter the URL that specifies the destination where the user will be directed upon clicking, such as a product display page, a short video, or a Livestream Event.
    2. Enter in a video ID from the Business Portal. This will be the short video with the poster displayed. Instructions on how to upload and add a poster can be found here.
      where to find the video ID_
  5. Adjust the Type to either an animated gif poster or a static poster.
  6. Adjust the Size to either small or best fit
  7. Once the selections are completed, click Save at the top right. 

We recommend creating different short videos with relevant posters to engage the consumers to click.