Facebook Livestream Simulcast

Simulcast your livestream event to your Facebook page with a few simple steps.

You should have already set up your livestream event. For help, see Setup Your Livestream Event.

In the Business Portal

  1. Navigate to the Firework Business Portal.
  2. Click on the livestream event.
  3. On the livestream event page, click the Simulcast tab.
  4. Click on the Facebook icon.
    • Here is where you’ll enter your Server URL and Stream key found on Facebook.

    FB Stream Key and URL

On Facebook

  1. Navigate to your Facebook page in another window or tab.
  2. Click Live Video under the status box.
    FB Go Live
  3. Click Select under Create live video event.
    FB Select Gif
  4. In the Create event pane on the left side of the page:
    • Enter the Event name in the respective field.
    • Select the Start Date and Start Time for your event (2 - 3 mins before the actual time set up on the business portal).
    • Update your Privacy settings.
    • Enter your Description in the respective field.

    Better Pic
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Personalize panel on the left side of the page:
    • Click Settings | Stream.
    • Next to Allow encoder to end stream, toggle the button Off.
      • By leaving this toggled on, your Facebook livestream could automatically end if there’s any latency or internet connection issues.
    FB Settings Gif
  7. Click Create event.
  8. Click Set up live video in the pop-up screen.
    Set Up Live Video
  9. In the Create live video pane on the left side of the page, toggle the Go live automatically at scheduled start time button to On
    • If the option to go live automatically is disabled, a person must manually click 'Go Live' to start the stream.

    • Conversely, if the automatic go-live feature is enabled, the scheduled start date of the event is critical, as the stream will not begin before the specified time.

  10. In the center pane, click Streaming software under Select a video source and select Advanced Settings. - this is very important or else you would have the webcam view of the laptop 
    Select Source Gif
  11. Copy the Stream key and Server URL and paste them into their respective fields on the Facebook Multistream page in the Firework Business Portal.
    Stream Keys and URL
  12. It is advisable to use the Persistent Stream Key. This ensures that the stream key remains consistent across all events, preventing any issues that may arise from it being refreshed.

    Biz Portal URL
  13. Click Create. Once you’ve started your livestream event in the Firework Camera App, navigate back to your event page on Facebook and click Go Live Now in the Create live video pane on the bottom-left of the page.