Reset App Data and Uninstall the Firework App on BigCommerce

Reset App Data

  1. In the event you need to reset your Firework App Data, simply go to the Settings tab on the top menu.
  2. Click on the Reset button.
    1. This will remove all the data saved in the app against the current business store.reset app data bigcommerce
  3. After resetting the user will get prompted to Connect to a Firework business store.connect app bigcommerce

Uninstall the Firework App

You must have Store Owner access to your BigCommerce store before continuing to the next steps.

To uninstall the Firework App, go to Apps then My Apps and click Uninstall.uninstall bigcommerce app

The Firework App will be removed from the "My Apps" section and the "App" bar in your BigCommerce admin panel.