Recurring Digital Showroom

Learn to set up future showrooms to air replays or air live without additional setup.

Schedule a New Session

  1. In your showroom details page, navigate down to the Schedule calendar.Schedule new upcoming session digital showroom 
  2. Click on New Session. In this view you can configure different settings:
    1. Set the Session Title that will appear on each Showroom. 
    2. Set a Start and End date for recurring Showrooms.
    3. Enter in the Time this Showroom will be available to watch.
    4. Set the Timezone this will display in.
    5. Set the amount of times this repeats whether daily, weekly, or every weekday. 
    6. Select the Video Source that will display in this Showroom whether this is Live only, uses the latest livestream completed to display the replay, or select from a specific livestream replay to air in the Showroom.
    7. Repost comments  will give you the option to choose from showing previous comments in a replay or only showing the live comments during the Showroom. 
  3. Then select Schedule to finish. 
  4. You will see the list of recurring Showrooms displayed in the right of the calendar. Scheduled showroom list of events
  5. If you ever need to edit the details or delete a recurring showroom, then select the three dots to do so. 
     edit showroom