Add Product Subtitles

Learn how to add subtitles to Products in the Business Portal.


Note: This only applies to Custom Firework Stores

  1. Navigate to the Firework Business Portal.
  2. In the navigation menu on the left side of the page, click on your desired store.
  3. Click the Product edit button to the right of a product to edit it.
    product edit icon
  4. In the Product Subtitle field, enter your subtitle text. The subtitle will display underneath the name of the product and above the product price.Add a subtitle to a product
    • The subtitle must be 75 characters or less.
  5. Click Save.

The Product Subtitle will now display in the Product List view, along with the product name and price.

Product subtitle example of catalog HC
  • If you do not add Product Subtitles, the Product List will only display the name and price of the product.

Note: When batch importing products via a CSV file, the Product Subtitle field isn’t included. You’ll need to edit your products once imported in order to update the Product Subtitle field.