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Instagram Importer

Import content from Instagram into the Business Portal using Firework's Instagram Importer

Importing Media From Your Instagram

  1. Select Add Content followed by IG Importer
  2. You will then be prompted to select the media type. Select Personal.
    IG importer personal
  3. If you haven't previously logged into your IG account, you'll be asked to login.
  4. After logging in, you will be met with the media on your IG account. Select the images or video(s) followed by Next. (Images will play for 3 seconds in a video format)
  5. After selecting the media, you will be asked to create a Caption and add any additional hashtags. Additionally, you can select your store and add your product interactions. After you’ve updated these, select Upload.
  6. You then have the option to add the media directly to Playlists and determine the Visibility. After that, select Publish and the video(s) will import into the Business Portal.

Note: You cannot toggle between multiple IG accounts. If you have multiple accounts, you will be required to logout of the account you’ve previously logged into and login to your other account.

Additionally, we support uploading Stories that are not Live Stories. 

Looking for a way to import videos via an Instagram share link? We can support link uploads and be sure to reach out for assistance enabling. 

Importing Media From User Content:

Requires an Instagram Business Account. Ensure you have a Facebook public page that is connected to the Instagram Account.

  1. Select Add Content followed by IG Importer
  2. You will then be prompted to select the media type. Select Business.IG importer Business
  3.  From here, you have three options:
    1. Your Account - You can pull in content from your accounts.
    2. Search by Hashtag - Enter in a hashtag or hashtags to then search different media to upload. 
    3. Search by User - Enter in the IG account handle to search the profile and upload media.Search by hashtag-1
  4. Select the images or video(s) followed by Next. (Images will play for 3 seconds in a video format)
  5. After selecting the media, you will be asked to create a Caption and add any additional hashtags. After you’ve created your Caption and Hashtags, select Next.Update hashtag per IG
  6. You then have the option to add the media directly to Playlists and determine the Visibility. After that, select Import and the video(s) will import into the Business Portal.

Please refer to your brand's guidelines on accessing and displaying User Generated Content when uploading from Instagram.