How to Stream a Prerecorded Video

Learn how to use our prerecorded video feature to upload long form videos to enable live for your next livestream event!

How to Stream a Prerecorded Video

  1. Set up a Livestream event and in event details scroll down to Video Source. Select Prerecorded then Choose a Video.
  2. Click Upload to start importing and transcoding a new video or select from the list of previously processed videos. Transcoding time varies based on video size, roughly half the length of the uploaded video.
    1. You can exit the window during transcoding and return later to check the status.
  3. Once fully "transcoded", select your transcoded video which you should see in the media asset list as ready to stream.
  4. Upon the date/time of the event, select Go Live. The stream will appear shortly with the prerecorded video you selected. 
  5. Once event the ends, no need to click "end stream" as the stream will end on its own. 


  • We recommend giving yourself enough time to transcode new videos before the live event.
  • You cannot exchange the video file midstream once live.