Edit Products in a Livestream Replay

Learn how to manage the product list post livestream event.

Manage Products

  1. Navigate to the Firework Business Portal.
  2. Under the Channels header in the navigation menu on the left side of the page, click on the channel on which your livestream event was setup.
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  3. Click on your desired livestream event to enter the post-replay page.
  4. Click on the Products tab.
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Here, you can do two things:

  • Click the three dots and click Mark as unavailable.
  • Click the Add Products button and select new items. 

"Unavailable" products will be greyed out with a badge. When marked unavailable:

  • The product highlight will not be clickable.
  • The PDP of these products will no longer be accessible.
"New" products will have a line of text underneath that reads "Added for Replay" to indicate they were added post-livestream event.

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Desktop View

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Mobile View
